5 Best Ways to Replace All Occurrences of a Python Substring with a New String

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πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: In Python, replacing parts of a string is common, whether for data cleaning, formatting, or other processing tasks. For instance, if we have the input string “Hello World, Hello Universe,” and we wish to replace each “Hello” with “Hi,” the expected output should be “Hi World, Hi Universe.”

Method 1: Using the str.replace() Method

The str.replace() method in Python is straightforward for substituting occurrences of a substring within a string. It takes two arguments: the old substring to replace and the new substring to insert in its place. It’s suitable for simple replacements and can be chained for multiple different substitutions.

Here’s an example:

sentence = "Fear leads to anger; anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering."
print(sentence.replace("leads to", "fosters"))


Fear fosters anger; anger fosters hate; hate fosters suffering.

This example illustrates replacing the phrase “leads to” with “fosters” throughout the given sentence, demonstrating how str.replace() updates all instances of a substring.

Method 2: Using Regular Expressions with re.sub()

For complex patterns or conditions, the re.sub() function from Python’s re module is highly effective. This function replaces all occurrences of a specified pattern with a replacement string. It’s powerful for pattern-based substring replacements and supports regular expression syntax.

Here’s an example:

import re

text = "1001 A Space Odyssey: 1001 reasons to dream."
pattern = "\\b1001\\b"  # Word boundary to match "1001" as an isolated word.
replacement = "2001"
new_text = re.sub(pattern, replacement, text)


2001 A Space Odyssey: 2001 reasons to dream.

This snippet replaces all exact occurrences of the isolated numbers “1001” with “2001,” showing the power of re.sub() to use regular expressions for precise substring matching.

Method 3: Using List Comprehension and join()

By using list comprehension alongside the join() method, we can manually split and reconstruct the string. This approach can give greater control over the substitution process and is useful when more complex logic is needed in the replacement.

Here’s an example:

word_list = "cats, bats, rats, cats".split('cats')
transformed_list = 'dogs'.join(word_list)


, bats, rats, dogs

This code splits the string at each occurrence of “cats” and joins the resulting list with “dogs,” replacing “cats” with “dogs” but also removing the original “cats” from the ends.

Method 4: Using Pandas Series.str.replace()

When working with tabular data in Pandas DataFrames, the Series.str.replace() method can efficiently replace substrings within a series of strings. This is especially useful for batch-processing columns of textual data.

Here’s an example:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'text': ['apple pie', 'banana pie', 'cherry pie']})
df['text'] = df['text'].str.replace(' pie', ' crumble')


text 0 apple crumble 1 banana crumble 2 cherry crumble

This snippet shows how to replace ” pie” with ” crumble” for each element in the ‘text’ series of the DataFrame, thus changing the type of dessert in the menu efficiently.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Lambda Function with map()

The combination of a lambda function with map() allows for a concise one-liner replacement operation across iterable elements, such as lists. This method is handy for inline transformations without writing a loop.

Here’s an example:

phrases = ['hello world', 'hello Python', 'hello code']
phrases = list(map(lambda s: s.replace('hello', 'hi'), phrases))


['hi world', 'hi Python', 'hi code']

This line of Python code takes a list of strings and applies a lambda function to replace “hello” with “hi” on each element.


  • Method 1: str.replace() Method. Simple and direct method, suitable for straightforward string replacements. It may not be the most efficient for very large strings or complex conditions.
  • Method 2: Regular Expressions with re.sub(). Highly flexible and powerful for pattern matching. It may be overkill for simple substitutions and requires understanding of regex.
  • Method 3: List Comprehension and join(). Offers more control for complex logic in replacements but can be less readable and efficient for simple tasks.
  • Method 4: Pandas Series.str.replace(). Best suited for working with columns in data frames. It leverages Pandas’ power and is efficient but adds a dependency on an external library.
  • Bonus Method 5: Lambda Function with map(). Provides a succinct one-liner approach, great for simple inline transformations. However, it can impact readability and is limited by lambda function constraints.